EATRIGHT® BALLS: Energy Balls, E-Balls, Enzyme Balls

This evolving EATRIGHT® product was abbreviated to 'e-balls' (from 'energy-balls') and now 'enzyme-balls'. For instance, “walnuts consumed by healthy adults [provide 21%] less available energy than predicted" [1] and phyto sources of multiple enzymes [^] [^^]. But, as always, they are an outstanding ‘fruit-based snack food…also containing nuts and seeds’. A great, less mess, no nasties, preformed, portion ready, scroggin or trial mix 'ideal for tramping' and your full sensory navigational experience.

Other adjustments have also taken place. Rather than using cracked walnuts, we are now using walnut meal (a by-product 'cake' of cold oil pressing). The walnut meal, from NEW ZEALAND varietals, is a natural source of phosphorous 503mg/100g (50% RDI) and a good source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) (0.2mg/100g)(12%RDI) "contributes to regulation of hormonal activity".

The e-balls also contain a minimally processed blend of wholegrain oat groats (with naturally occurring beta glucan, 'essential' guanine, [antiallergenic, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis] avenanthramide [2], [assists in blood glucose regulation] arabinoxylan, high levels of class I chitinase (chitin hydrolysis catalysing enzyme; enhanced by abiotic agents (eg ozone, UV light) and biotic factors (eg oligosaccharides [β-glucan-, FOS fructo-, AOS arabino-, ADMO algae derived marine-]) [^]), five phtyochemical 'ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors' and manganese) and a mix of 'in-house cut' organic fruit including unique to New Zealand naturally high sources of 'reducing gluten allergenicity' actinidin [3] [^^].

But, minimal, mild processing or 'raw' processing is not 'no' processing since whole oats and whole seeds contain phytates or salts of phytic acid [between 5600ppm and 33000ppm]. Hence, we use a combination of proprietary processes, to improve the micronutrient bioavailability with lower, more consistent water activity [aw], for this EATRIGHT® product.

  • Natural multi-enzyme sources [^] [^^] nb. plant parts detail not provided
  • Good natural source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate)
  • Contains more than 3g of natural source prebiotics (from oats, apples and flaxseeds) per serving
  • Natural, non-synthetic, sources of [uricosuric (uric acid excretion)] folacin-folic acid-folate-vitamin B9 [RDA 400µg, pregnant women 600µg]
  • Source of chlorophyll and polysaccharides of potential use for human health [4]
  • Good source of fiber
  • Blood sugar friendly; good glycemic load tolerability
  • No lactose and Low fat
  • Low heat (ie < 70°C × 9/5) + 32 = 158°F) for all ingredients
  • NO peanuts or [questionable ADdition of] 'peanut butter candies'
  • NO chocolate ["E" numbers] candies
  • NO added sugar; NO 'sweetened' dried fruit
  • Non GMO, GE free
Contains: walnut, sesame

INGREDIENTS (with botanical names): *Cert. organic fruit ((fresh whole green (Actinida arguta ‘Hortgem Tahi’ [4] [5]) and air dried gold (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis ‘Zesy002’) kiwi fruit, mixed varietal air-dried [in-house cut] apples (eg Malus pumila 'Gala' × 'Splendour' sciros (rootstock M116, USPP18618P2) and others)), cert organic whole grain oats (Avena sativa L.) [6][7], *cert. organic whole sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.), spray free ground walnut meal (from Juglans spp. (over 20 sp.) ep. Regia, Nigra), *cert. organic unhulled whole sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum), yuca root (Manihot esculenta) prebiotic.
Contains: walnuts, sesame

Nutrition Information per serving size (80g)
Energy 1120KJ or less, Total Fat (9.5g), Saturated Fat (1.1g), Sodium (11mg), Total Carbohydrate (37g), Dietary Fiber (>3.7g), Total sugars (24.4g) includes 0g Added Sugars, Protein (6.7g), Vitamin D (TBCmg), Calcium (TBCmg), Iron (TBCmg), Potassium (TBCmg), Folate (TBCmg)

Lifespan improvement: Can be chilled or frozen (0ºC (32ºF)) for up to four months
Country of origin: Product of NEW ZEALAND with North and South Island grown bio-economy ingredients [sesame seeds from overseas]
Food SAFETY Verification: Certificate Number 2699 (an International Accreditation NEW ZEALAND (IANZ) third-party inspection body audit, pursuant to the Food Act 2014) issued to Eat Right Foods Ltd at MPI's highest risk level, for the manufacture, processing, exporting, packing, holding and distribution of food products. Where the, independent audit company, is ISO 17020 accredited
Additional Audited Compliance: Australian NEW ZEALAND Food Standards Act 1991 (FSANZ Act) and Code 2002; CAFTA Model Recall Procedure: Food Australia, 45(7), 313-316 1993; Codex Alimentarius Commission: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System & Guidelines Annex to CAC/RCP 1-1969, Revised 2022; Food Regulations 2015 (LI 2015/310), version July 2023 and Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021
Address: PO Box 1525 [Level 1, 6 Church St], Nelson 7040, NEW ZEALAND
Availability: An EATRIGHT® Online Shop Only Product
Processor of nuts or seeds: "coating; roasting (including coffee beans); salting; mixing with other foods commonly combined with nuts or seeds, such as raisins; forming into nut or seed bars where nuts or seeds are the primary component. Examples include but are not limited…pumpkin, sesame, or sunflower seed products (ref: Food Act 2014, Schedule 2 Part 4)
Packaging: Several options are available eg stand-up [kraft] packaging with oval window, potato starch trays [high sided, buff color] trays (buff n. dull yellow leather origin of buffalo hide, colour of this; the skin (in b., naked; stripped to the b.). Blind man's buff (UK) "a blindfolded player", blind man's bluff (US), bluff adj. of ship's bows, cliffs (ref: ed.4 OX Dict, Wikitionary)) and others

Product Details

  • Kiwiberry: ‘Hortgem Tahi’ PVR 1927, US20010042258P1, USPP13815P3. Kiwi source of one anticholinesterase. Handbook of Medicinal Mints (aromathematics) (pub. 2000). See also 'anticholinesterase compounds…patent THAT variety as unique...under ecological conditions'
  • Oats: Coronet ‘CROA133’ PVR 2995 and Milton ‘CROA132’ PVR 2501 Indications (Oats) - Arthrosis (f; Peirce (1999)), Nervine (1; Peirce (1999); White and Mavor (1998)). EFSA Article 13 (pub. Apr’11) ID 2230: “Avena sativum - common name : Oat” and “Constipation / Intestinal Health”
  • Walnuts: Activities: Hemostat (1; JAD; MAD; NUT); Indications: Arthrosis (f; MAD) [†]. Duke, J. A. et al. 2002 [Ph.D in Botany, Uni of 'NC']. Handbook medicinal herbs]
  • Walnuts: Contributes to the improvement of the elasticity of blood vessels. (EU approved health claim, FSANZ deferred)
  • PhytochemID: Malic-acid. Ubiquitous NO. Oats, English walnut. Total activities 15: antiatherosclerotic, antibacterial, antifibromyalgic (300mg 3x/day) etc Dr Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases (USDA '16)
  • PhytochemID: Boron. Apple 1-110ppm. Activities (Apple) — Vermifuge (f; CRC; WOI). Indications — Worm (f; CRC; WOI). Duke, J. A. et al. 2002, online pub. 2016
  • PhytochemID: Gold. Ubiq. YES. Antiarthritic, antiulcer, nephrotoxic. Juglans nigra (black walnut; seed) 0.001 high ppm; StdDev -0.5 Ref: Furr, A.K., et al. '79
  • PhytochemID: Silver. Ubiquitous NO. Antibacterial, antistringent, pesticide. Malus domestica (apple, fruit) 0.011 low ppm; 0.086 high ppm; StdDev -0.5 Ref. “Duke, James A. 1992 Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press”
  • PhytochemID: Chromium. Ubiquitous: YES. Juglans nigra (black walnut; seed) ppm low; 1 ppm high; -0.53682 StdDev; Ref: Furr, A.K., et al. 1979. Actinidina chinensis (kiwi, fruit) Ref: Duke, James A. 1992 [yet n/a for
  • PhytochemID's (Rare Earth Minerals): Antimony (Sb), Walnut 0.1ppm; Lanthaum (La), Walnut 0.03ppm; Cerium (Ce), Walnut 0.4ppm. Ref: Duke, James A. 1992
  • PhytochemID: Inositol. Ubiquitous. NO. RDA=1,000 mg/man/day. Apple. Malus domestica. Plant. Ref: Duke, James A. 1992 Sesame seed. Sesamum indicum (Pedaliaceae). 740ppm high. StdDev -0.99. Ref: ANON. 1948-1976. The Wealth of India raw materials. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi.
  • Sesame Seed: Indications (Sesame) - Arthrosis (f; JFM; KAB)
  • PhytochemID: Lutein. Fruit sources: kiwi (fresh 44μg/100g) and apple (n/a). EFSA Qualified Health Claim: Lutein and Eye Diseases Docket No. 2004Q-0180. Walnut: vitamin A, retinol equivalents 2μg/100g, retinol activity equivalents 1μg/100g (NZ Food Composition Data)
  • NB. NO 'Vitamin A, Retinol equivalents' for oats (Avena sativa)(poaceae), brown rice flour (oryza sativa)(poaceae) and/or parsnip root (Pastinaca sativa)(apiaceae). 0 µg /100g. New Zealand Food Composition Database.
  • Ethnobotany Use: [Intell’igence, n.] Intellect: Walnut (Steinmetz, E.F. 1957. Codex Vegetabilis. Published by author, Amsterdam). See also EFSA ID 2063: “Guarana and mental performance”; ID 2103 “Cognitive performance” (Steinmetz EF, 1957. Codex Vegetabilis. Litografia La Photograph, Padova).
  • Produced by nature not [artifi'cial, a. 'by art in imitation of the natural'] (Oxford Dictionary, hardcover, pub. '52)
  • Oats (Avena sativa) with 11 ethnobotany uses. Different to Wildoat (Avena fatua) with 5 ethnobotany uses. See also 'they are far superior' (Wild Oats, Jul'04, initial correspondence)
  • ACE-Inhibitor: Oats (isovitexin (plant, sprout seedling), myrcene (seed), nicotinamide (sprout seedling), zinc (plant), vitexin-2’-O-alpha-L-rhamnoside (shoot)) and apple. Dr Duke's Phytochemical, Ethnobotanical Data (USDA '16)
  • Activity: demulcent [relieving inflammation and irritation] or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Oats, Kiwi, Apple and Sesame. Dr Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases (USDA '16)
  • Plant sterols include: Oats: Brassicasterol, Campestanol, Campesterol, Delta-7-Stigmastanol. Walnut: Brassicasterol, Campestanol, 24-Methylenecholesterol, Beta-Sitosterol. Apple: Beta-Sitosterol 110-660ppm. Sesame seed: Campesterol (910ppm), Beta-Sitosterol (4000-4430ppm), Stigmastanol. Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases (USDA '16)
  • [^] 'Acidic (class II or III) chitinases… displayed less antifungal activity...could impact the outcome of genetic engineering with chitinase-encoding genes'. Plant Chitinases and their Roles in Resistance to Fungal Diseases by Z.K. Punja, Y Zhang (Journal of Nematology, pub. 1993)
  • A “SOLITARY score of (f)...unsupported folk medicine…score of (1) means that a chemical in the plant...has shown the activity or PROVEN out experimentally... evolving system that changes as NEW science validates the folklore, often resulting in an upgrading of the indication or activity”). Handbook of Medicinal Herbs (pub. 2002).
80g pack; 1 e-ball per pack   £ 0.90 Quantity
450g pack; 6 e-balls per pack   £ 5.40 Quantity
Pack options: 1. potato tray, 2. kraft pack, 3. clear pouch, 4. own container