EATRIGHT® GREEN Kiwi-Fruit Slices (ISO 17020, 17065) Organic, Dual Dry Options

A nutrient dense, superfruit, waterlessened, full-season-everyday-enabled EATRIGHT® product [1]. Green [kākāriki. 1. (verb) to be green (in colour)] kiwfruit [kiwi] [2] is of the highest fruit sources of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) (5μg, 6%DI, raw) where vitamin K is considered, by some (at both ends of the age spectrum), to be a 'lifeblood vitamin'. Dependent on processing method, actinidin content has "broad specificity" in hydrolyzing proteins, amides, esters, and small peptides.

A natural source of non:isolate phytochemical vitamin C which "contributes to IRON absorption from food, cell protection from free radical damage". It is included in a list of 'power foods' as a source of kiwellin (a non-ubiquitous protein, 20% to 30% of total soluble protein), has 189 amino acid residues (Tamburrini et al., 2005), arginine and [gamma] amino butyric acid (GABA) account for 36% of total free amino acids (ref: PubMed 23394981 by Lynley Drummond) and is 'the' fruit source of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

The vacuum freeze dry (VFD) method uses small batch sizes, with precision testing and no sodium glycerolphospahate (cyroprotectant processing aid). It provides an ultra light weight, proteolytic enzyme (actinidin) ['reducing gluten allergenicity'] [3] and iridoid (actinidine) fruit product. It is less prone to oxidation and has a cracknel consistency.
The air dry method provides a light weight, shatter-proof product but it is more prone to oxidation discoloration and has a chewy-fruit jerky consistency.
The type of dry method used, also alters the final, from raw, water content.

  • Good natural source of vitamin C
  • Fruit source of vitamin B12 (contributes to normal: immune system function, homocysteine metabolism, blood formation and cell division)
  • Source of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) 40.3ug/100g ("raw", dried n/a ref: USDA FDC ID: 2344734)
  • Good natural source of soluble dietary fiber
  • Good natural source of folate (contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism et al)
  • Natural source of organic CATalyst actinidin (nb. freeze 'dry method' ONLY) [3]
  • Source of vitamin E
  • Relatively low phenylalanine content
  • ChemID: Chromium in kiwi fruit [Ref: Duke, James A. 1992] n/a "component=1096"
  • Relatively FOLAP friendly (ie low fructose, low fructan, no sugar alcohols)
  • Low in fat, Low in sodium
  • No added sugar [fruit source of non-ubiquitous levulose]
  • Free from: colouring agents, preservatives and additives
  • Non GMO, GE free
  • 100% Certified Organic Product
  • Suppliers to 'ERF' hold the BioGro New Zealand licenses with "Code of Practice structured in accordance with the requirements of IFOAM Accreditation, ISO 17020, ISO 17065 and the Ministry for Primary Industries Official Organic Assurance Programme" [5]
Ingredient (botanical varietal) : Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa ‘Hayward’, Actinidia deliciosaxActinidia chinensis ● Plant Variety Right (PVR) grant # 30748, denomination ZESH004 ● NEW ZEALAND grown ● more UVB actinism ● less pollution ● less predators ● less diseases; NEW ZEALAND developed ● more groundbreaking ingenuity ● more versatility ● more "viscosity of digesta" developments

Nutritional Information per 30g - Energy 444kJ
Macronutrients: Protein (1.4g), Protein-gluten (0), Fat-total (<1g), Fat-sat (<1g), CHO-total (22.6g), CHO-sugars (14.6g), Dietary Fiber (0.2g), Sodium (<2mg)
Micronutritients: Vitamin C (120mg), Phenylalanine (0.047g), Folate (24ug, 12%RDI (raw ie 82% water)), Actinidin (nb. freeze 'dry method' proximate qty 76.5U/g (active enzyme units/g))

Nutritional Information per 100g - Energy 1480kJ
Macronutrients: Protein (4.5g), Protein-gluten (0), Fat-total (3.4g), Fat-sat (<1g), CHO-total (75.4g), CHO-sugars (48.6g), Dietary Fibre (7.1g), Sodium (<5mg),
Micronutritients: Vitamin C (400mg), Phenylalanine (0.16g), Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol (1.1mg; 11%RDI (raw data ie 82% water)), Folate (79ug; 40%RDI (raw data ie 82% water)); Vitamin B12 (0.2ug; 10%RDI (raw data ie 82% water)); Actinidin (nb. freeze 'dry method' prox. 76.5U/g (active enzyme units/g))

Air dried or Freeze dried options (with small variations in nutritional information) please specify in the 'Dry method' field

Shelf life: 12 months or more depending on storage method used
Country of Naturalisation: NEW ZEALAND's bio-economy
Food SAFETY Verification: Certificate Number 2699 (an International Accreditation NEW ZEALAND (IANZ) third-party inspection body audit, pursuant to the Food Act 2014) issued to Eat Right Foods Ltd at MPI's highest risk level, for the repacking, exporting, holding and distribution of food products. Where the, independent audit company, is ISO 17020 accredited
Additional Audited Compliance: Australian NEW ZEALAND Food Standards Act 1991 (FSANZ Act) and Code 2002; CAFTA Model Recall Procedure: Food Australia, 45(7), 313-316 1993; Codex Alimentarius Commission: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System & Guidelines Annex to CAC/RCP 1-1969, Revised 2022; Food Regulations 2015 (LI 2015/310), version July 2023, Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021 and BioGro Organic Certificate of Compliance
Address: PO Box 1525 [Level 1, 6 Church St], Nelson 7040, NEW ZEALAND
Packaging: Pry-proof-packaging yet easy-to-open and resealable zip for freshness and moisture resistance. The film is home compostable (nb. degradation enjoys a mix of micro-organisms, moisture, heat and oxygen). Commercial-compost-capable, provided facilities are able.

Taxonomy: Kingdom: Plantae, Division (or phylum): Tracheophyta, Subdivision (or subphylum): Spermatophytina, Class: Magnoliopsida, Order: Ericales, Family: Actinidiaceae, Genus: Actinidia Lindl, Species: Actinidia chinensis Planch, Varieties: Actinidia deliciosaxActinidia chinensis 'ZESH004' and Actinidia deliciosa 'Hayward'

Product Details

  • Activities (kiwi): Antibacterial (1; WO2); Antidote, cinnabar (f; DAD); Antimutagenic (1; X3278214) [4]; Astringent (1; DAD); Immunostimulant (1; WO3); Insecticide (f; DAD); Pectinesterase Inhibitor (1; WO3); Proteolytic (1; DAD). Duke, J. A. et al. 2002. CRC Handbook of medicinal herbs
  • Vitamin-A-Activity. Kiwi. Cryptoxanthin. 0.037ppm (low) 0.185ppm (high) USDA's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases (pub. 2016)
  • PhytochemID: Actinidine. Ubiquitous NO. Anticholinesterase, Feline-attractant, Fungicide, Pesticide. USDA's Phytochemical, Ethnobotanical Databases (pub.'16)
  • Biological Activity: Antiretinitic, retinoprotectant optometry 18ppm. PhytochemID: LUTEIN. Non ubiquitous. 1.8ppm (low), 9.0ppm (high)]. DrDuke data. Kiwifruit, Green, flesh & seeds, raw: 44 µg (NZ Food Composition data). Zeavision, 2004. Qualified Health Claim - Lutein and Eye Diseases Docket No. 2004Q-0180
  • EFSA ID 2888: “zeaxantin” [zeaxanthin] and “helps to preserve elasticity and permeabilityof capilars of retina and supports good blood circulation in eyes” PhytochemID: Zeaxanthin. Ubiquitous NO. Fruit source: Grape. Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs ad other economic plants.
  • Ethnobotany use: arthralgia (joint pain). Biological demulcent (relieving inflammation and irritation) [NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory food] activity: KIWI. PhytochemID: Pectin 4,200-24,800ppm. Ubiquitous YES. Dr Duke's Phytochemical Ethnobotanical Databases (pub. '16)
  • Ethnobotany use: stone (small hard mass of mineral material formed in an organ such as the kidney or gall bladder; technical name: calculus) “A Barefoot Doctor’s Manual” DHEW Pub. No (NIH) 75-695 Anon 1974
  • With actinidin, the gastric digestion of gluten is 18.3% (c/- 4.4% without). Rutherfurd et al 2011. Food Chem 129:1681. Riddet Institute: Advancing Frontiers in Food
  • 'Mimics the enzyme pepsin in humans'. pepsin [Gk 'pepsis' digestion]
  • 'Power Foods: Kiwi...experiment for esophageal cancer'. Prescription for Dietary Wellness using foods to heal' by Phyllis Balch et al (pub. 1998). 'Kiwifruit as a low-energy food in energy management diets'. The Composition and Nutritional Value of Kiwifruit by Drummond L. (pub. 2013)
  • New Zealand; kiwifruit skins have almost twice the level of antioxidants compared to kiwifruit grown in the USA or Italy (ref: New Zealand Extracts verification)
30g pack [dry NOT re-hydrated weight] unit price £3.5/100g   £ 1.05 Quantity
Dry method [air or freeze]  
135g pack [dry NOT re-hydrated weight] unit price £3.15/100g   £ 4.25 Quantity
Dry method [air or freeze]