EATRIGHT® Enzyme ACTivated Crackers (antioxidant differences)

The aptly named EATRIGHT® Enzyme Activated Crackers are a crack'er of ingenuity with carefully preserved enzymes. Importantly, they are NOT [a "JACK" up, hiJACKed [1] or "overPOWERing...paired...crackers"] that have "microbial enzymes" added back to an ingredient list.

Hence, we use slow and low processing (never above 121 degrees celsius or 248 degrees fahrenheit), and other maximize 'nutritional value' know-how to help enzymatic [*] (Gk. en within, zumē leaven) activity.

And since organic catalysts or catalyzing enzymes are 'dramatically enhanced by abiotic agents' (ozone, UV light, ethylene, salicylic acid (nb. non-isolated salicylate sources: buckwheat, piper sp.), minerals (soil nutrients such as chromium, copper, boron, manganese etc)), we source as many as possible grown outdoors in NEW ZEALAND's 'more UVB sunlight, less air pollution, fewer pest and diseases' harvested ingredients.

The minerals and vitamins are also considered to be “better absorbed” through synergistic combinations of endogenous enzymes rather than synthetic ‘silver bullet’ single cell proteins (SCP) or other 'isolates'. With a good source of "antioxidant" arginine and threonine (ref: USDA) free amino acids as well as antioxidant synergists in "characterizing" ingredients. Where possible, we use 'wild' varietals. For instance, wild carrots have an increased source of phytochemical: trans-isoasarone with bioactivity: secretolytic (secretagogue (Gk. agogos)) and wild kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum [Latin: pipo=chirp, excel=surpass]) has over 60 biologically active compounds.

As you would expect, it is yet another durable [2], commercialized EATRIGHT® ‘edible medicine’ innovation scarcity (R&D&C), standing out in a sea of similarity! [†]. And did you know "the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" by Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931).

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Serving Size Unit of Measure (UOM) 20g (0.7oz) (1 cracker)
(By calculation. Increases (>) or decreases (<) postulated from proximate product (P)).
Energy 462kJ (110Cal)(3%DI), Protein (2.8g)(5%DI), Protein-gluten (0g), Fat-total (<4.4g)(6%DI), Fat-sat (0.4g)(2%DI), Fat-trans (0g), Fat-poly (2.1g) (omega-3 (5mg), ALA (2mg)), Fat-mono (1.5g), Cholesterol (0g), CHO-total (<3.3g)(1%DI), CHO-sugars (<0.3g)(0%DI), Dietary Fiber [improved soluble : insoluble ratio] (>1.4g)(5%DI), Sodium (8mg)(0%DI), Calcium (>9mg)(1%RDI), Iron (0.6mg)(3%RDI), Potassium (70mg)(1%RDI)
Thiamin (0.2mg)(17%RDI), Vitamin B5 (0.1mg)(10%ESADDI), Magnesium (33mg)(8%RDI), Folate (16µg)(8%RDI), Manganese (329µg)(7%ESADDI), Niacin (>0.9mg)(6%RDI), Vitamin A (34.8µg)(5%RDI), Phosphorus (<67mg), Selenium (2.3µg)(4%ESADDI), Riboflavin (0.1%)(4%RDI), Zinc (0.5mg)(4%RDI), Vitamin E (>0.6mg)(4%RDI), Vitamin C (0.3mg)
Essential Amino Acids (705mg), Amino Acid Combinations 76mg (methionine, cystine), 147mg (phenylalanine, tryosine), 302mg (arginine, threonine)

ABBREVIATIONS: The percent Daily Intake (%DI), Recommended or Reference Daily Intakes (%RDI) and Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake (%ESADDI) tells you how much a nutrient, in a serving of food, contributes to a daily diet. An average adult diet of 8,700KJ or 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
Enzyme Commission (EC) Number: classifies enzymes based on their catalytic reaction
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) Number: used to identify a prokaryote
Protease USP (Ubiquitin Specific Protease)

  • Contributes to normal: 'mental performance and neurological functions'
  • Contributes to normal: 'synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters'
  • Contributes to normal: 'energy production, energy release from food, reduction of tiredness and fatigue'
  • Plant rich, vegan and vegetarian suitable
  • NO added 'plant' origin enzymes (alpha-amylases (E1100), proteases (E1101))
  • NO added 'animal' or 'microbial' origin enzymes with possible 'protein engineered variants' (glycerophospholipid cholesterol acyltransferase, lipase, triacylglycerol, maltotetraohydrolase)
  • NO additive 'mineral [phosphates (E339, E340, E341, E450 [**], E451, E452) di-, tri-, tetra- or polyphospahte] salt' buffers
  • No added chelating (E385; calcium disodium EDTA) synthetics
  • No added excipients (460; microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)) ‘quick dry’ carrier, dispersant, binder
  • No added sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L) [†††] or cane sugar
  • No use of processing aids (ie bleaching 'decolourants, clarifying, filtration, and adsorbent agents') such as nylon, phytates (including phytic acid, magnesium phytate & calcium phytate) etc. (with no 'maximum permitted levels').
  • No phthalates or other 'harmful if ingested' irritants (eg soda ash, hydrogen peroxide mix)
  • A 4.5 Health Star Rating Product
INGREDIENTS: Proprietary Unhulled Seeds (Cert Organic Silverhull Activated Buckwheat, Cert Organic Activated Sunflower, Cert Organic Linseed [source of vitamin K, 3.1µg/100g] [††], Cert. Organic 'Grain Free' Brown Rice Grist, Cert. Organic Carrot [taproot source of vitamin K, 15µg/100g], Native New Zealand Herbs [^] (they include: 'mountain scree' Horopito ("a hard-to-find specialty...(bush) pepper") or 'pepperwood', 'lowland divaricating' Kawakawa (bush basil), 'pepper tree' [3]; they may include Harakeke (native flaxseed, chitin 1.44mg/100g)) and others, as more active properties are uncovered).

[*] ENZYMES: Current identification includes 703 in rice, 108 in carrots, 101 in sunflowers, 20 in buckwheat and 1 in harakeke (EC 'H+-transporting two-sector ATPase'). No enzymes conclusively identified for Horopito, Kawakawa [^^], Wharaiki et al. ('Remarkably, some 15-20% of the known native New Zealand seed plants are still undescribed or need to be critically examined' [^]). Please note: the enzymes maybe specific to a part of the plant which is not used or activated in this product. Source data: BRENDA, the ELIXIR. Nucleic Acids Res. by Schomburg D et al (Jul'07, pub. 21)

[**] N.B. NO food additive number 450 ‘sodium SALTS of phosphoric acid’ or any other ‘prepared synthetics’. See eg ‘450 prepared synthetics’ (digestive disturbance, blockage of a number of enzymes): sodium polyphosphates, pentasodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate), (no chloride, low salt index) potassium polyphosphate and pentapotassium triphosphate (potassium tripolyphosphate). And no '541' sodium aluminium phosphate, ACIDIC...aerator or 'E541' sodium aluminium phosphate, BASIC...emulsifying salt (see eg 'salt' in cheese), 'not permitted in Australia'. Ref: Additive Code Breaker by Hanssen, M (pub. '84). And no "leavening agents, baking, double-acting, straight phosphate". USDA PRAL Value 270.164 mEq/100g (cross ref: SR Legacy. FDC 172804. NDB 18369. FDC pub. 1st Apr’ 19).

Country of Origin: Made in NEW ZEALAND from NEW ZEALAND's bio-economy ingredients and other imported ingredients
Food Safety Verification: Certificate Number 2699 (an International Accreditation NEW ZEALAND (IANZ) third-party inspection body audit, pursuant to the Food Act 2014) issued to Eat Right Foods Ltd at MPI highest risk level, for the manufacture, processing, exporting, packing, holding and distribution of food products. Where the, independent audit company, is ISO 17020 accredited
Additional Audited Compliance: Australian NEW ZEALAND Food Standards Act 1991 (FSANZ Act) and Code 2002; CAFTA Model Recall Procedure: Food Australia, 45(7), 313-316 1993; Codex Alimentarius Commission: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System & Guidelines Annex to CAC/RCP 1-1969, Revised 2022; Food Regulations 2015 (LI 2015/310), version July 2023 and Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021
Availability: Sold 'exclusively' as an EATRIGHT® online shop only product
Address: PO Box 1525 (Level 1, 6 Church St), Nelson 7040, NEW ZEALAND

Shelf life: Excellent shelf stability. No cyroprotectants needed. And 'best before' label dates doesn't mean 'throw away after'
Processes include: Temp = Slow; Time = Moderate, removal of 'double feature' seed pods and other intricate steps
Packaging: Stand-up, safety seal, reseal zipper packs. Home compost-in-bin-able film.

[†] A non 'identical' product that was gemmated ('privately available' label proof) late 2008 now 'publicly available' (~ $1(R), $10(D), $100(C)). Stands out compared to: (sprinkled with salt) 'saltine cracker[s]', (made of water and wheat) 'water cracker[s]', 'entertainment cracker[s]', 'seed crackers...everything (but native herb) seasoning', 'contextual' supplements and pharmaceuticals.

[*] NUTRACEUTICALS: current NZ standard industry classification, nutraceuticals are primarily captured as "pharmaceuticals [1841]" or “other food manufacturing not elsewhere classified” [1199]. Some firms may be "packaging services [7320]" [incl. contract packers]. Sales and marketing firms will be other "grocery wholesaling [3609]" or pharmaceutical and "toiletry goods wholesaling [3720]". “Nutraceutical is a broad term describing foods, food ingredients, and dietary supplements that provide specific health or medical benefits.” Ingredients range from common to extremely RARE (ref: Finding the Way: Emerging and future platforms in New Zealand’s bio-economy’ (the Coriolis Report pub. Jun23) emphasis added)

Product Details

  • Phospholipidase-inhibitor (anti-PLA activity): phytochemID: quercetin. Plant sources: buckwheat seed, pepper. Dr Duke's Phytochemical eDatabases ('16)
  • Carrot source: EC Laccase and EC Chitinase (cleaves glycosidic linkages in chitin and chitodextrins...generating chitooligosaccharides and free ends on which exo-chitinases and exo-chitodextrinases can act) BRENDA, the ELIXIR data. Nucleic Acids Res. by Schomburg D et al (Jul'07, pub. '21)
  • Rice source: EC Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTPase), EC HMG-CoA reductase phosphatase, EC Legumain, EC Separase and many others. Nucleic Acids Res. by Schomburg et al (pub. '21)
  • Ubiquitin: a regulatory protein. Was originally known as ubiquitous immunopoietic polypeptide. Ubiquitination/ubiquitylation (3 step: activation E1, conjugation E2, ligation E3). (ref: Wikipedia). NB. a food activated product not whole[en]ZYME suppleMENTation with four 'additives' (460, rice, 464, 'prepared synthetically' 572, 551)
  • EC (deleted 2015). Now starting EC (E1) followed by several transfer reactions including EC (E2) and EC (E3) (BRENDA, pub '21). 'E2-E3 ubiquitin enzyme pairing - partnership in provoking or mitigating cancers' by Shu-Chun Chang et al (pub. Jan ’22)
  • Fungi 'may be mutually beneficial (mutualistic), benign or non-harmful to the other partner (commensal) or harmful to the other partner (parasitic)' NZ’s Genetic Diversity by Gordon D.P (pub. '13)
  • Carrot source: Biological activity: Ferulosys-genic. Phytochem: falcarindiol (FaDOH). anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory et al
  • Buckwheat activity: cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) -phosphodiesterase-inhibitor. 468,900ppm non-ubiquitous phytochemicals: (+)-catechin, orientin, quercetin, rutin, vitexin. EC 3.2.1.B31 beta-rutinosidase, EC alpha-L-rhamnosidase, EC alpha-glucosidase et al.
  • Bacillus circulans (ATCC 31382) NOT added (FSANZ §18-4). And NO phytates added as 'microbial nutrient adjuncts'.
  • Linseed source of: phenolic acid: 810ppm-103,400ppm, phenolic acid esters: 739ppm-5,420ppm. Phenol coefficient no longer used due to differences related to 'temperature, pH, surface activity, and interfering substances'
  • Salicylates: Bioactivities: antiaggregant, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antiuricosuric, hyperglycemic, hypoglycemic, uricosuric. Uricosuric: promotes the excretion of uric acid (FEUA). Gout: high uric acid levels leading to uric acid crystal formation in joints.
  • Piperine is an adrenergic secretagogue, enhancing the secretion of catecholamines, especially epinephrine, from the adrenal gland, thereby leading to a warming sensation' USDA's Phytochemical Databases (pub. '02)
  • Piper excelsum (piperaceae) kawakawa. Ethnobotanical uses: New Zealand include kidney, diuretic, urogenital et al. Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer
  • Activities: Anticoagulant. Buckwheat: 16,400ppm from (+)-catechin, citric acid. Carrot: citric acid, heraclenin. Sunflower: 3,800ppm citric acid (Merck 11th ed) and Piper sp. NB. Non-Aspirin and Non-Acetylsaliclic Acid sources. [††] Aspirin: Enteric Coated, Micro Coated, Low/Regular Strength included in Safeway Celiac Sprue Gluten Free Products List 2009
  • (P) Buckwheat germination. Increased: phenolic compounds, flavonoids, crude protein, antioxidant activities (Zhang et al. '15). Decreased: sugars, phytic acid (activation of phytase, hydrolyzes phytic acid into phosphoric acid & myoinositol making minerals more bioavailable) (Liang et al '08; Mbithi-Mwikya et al '00), trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), crude fat (Zheng et al '06)
  • (P) Rice germination one of a number of proprietary processing steps. Increased crude proteins, niacin, free amino acids, and α-tocopherol by Moongngarm & Saetung (2010)
  • (P) Increased: protein content 17.76%, total dietary fibre 8.76%, antioxidant activity 29.1%, total phenolic 134.43%. Decreased: fat content 36.46%, carbohydrate 7.23%. Raw lambsquarters (FDC ID 169244 'SR legacy') germinated (cookie product) by Jan, R., Saxena, D. C., & Singh, S. (pub. 2017)
  • [††] Non-Tropical Plants Yielding Clinically Useful Drugs. Drug: ◀Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid▶. Action/Clinical Use: Antioxidant. Plant: Linseed [also Larrea divaricate Cav]. Farnsworth, N. R. & D. D. Soejarto. 1988. Global importance of medicinal plants (unpublished draft manuscript rev. 23).
  • [†††] NO added sugar beet: indication Water Retention (1; KAB; WO2). Overdoses might cause hypocalcemia, kidney damage, and oxalate-toxicity (PH2). KAB: Kirtikar and Basu (reprint, 1975); WO2: The Wealth of India, revised; new vol. pub. (1985–1992); PH2: Gruenwald et al. (2000)
  • [1] See 'hiJACK...taking over any proceedings that have already begun...'Red Herrings and White Elephants (nonfiction) by pen-name Albert JACK (pub. '07). See also doc. 32-2 (pub. Apr'14 incl. eg use by '10), MSJ (Mar'15) and 'valuable facts are unavailable...restricted by conduct that impedes, bars...raises the cost of access' (to 'superior' products) by Gravil A.I.
  • [2] durable, a. Capable of lasting. dura mater n. (anat) outer membrane of brain (cf. pia mater). [L durus hard]. mater'ia med'ica n. drugs, pharmacology. matériel n. the available stores for an undertaking [L materia timber]. Oxford Dictionary (pub. Jul'24, reprinted with corrections '52)
  • [3] Key Messages - Natural Health Products Sector. NEW ZEALAND Story. 'Made with Care' New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) initiative (Oct'20). Another NZ company sold 'mussels in...horopito' and 'mussels in...kawakawa' in 'PNOS' California stores in 2010.
Servings per pack: 12. Net Weight 180g; unit price $3.65/100g   NZ$ 6.57 Quantity
Servings per pack 2. Net Weight 180g; cracker sheets (bark crackers, flatbread) unit price $3.65/100g   NZ$ 6.57 Quantity
Off cuts. Variable weights. unit price per 100g n/a Quantity